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Topic: Healthcare Integration

Healthcare Integration involves aligning and coordinating diverse healthcare services and systems to deliver comprehensive, patient-centric care.

More on: Healthcare Integration

The podcast episodes discuss different facets of healthcare integration, such as incorporating abortion services into primary care, integrating diverse disciplines like philosophy and design into healthcare to address existential suffering, and efforts by healthcare organizations to create aligned networks of services.

For example, the episode 'More primary care doctors could begin to provide abortions' examines the historical isolation of abortion from mainstream medical care and the benefits of integrating it into comprehensive primary care. The episode '#738: Dr. Gabor Maté and BJ Miller, MD' advocates for integrating diverse disciplines to address existential suffering more holistically. And the episode 'Dr. John Hunter, Executive Vice President of OHSU and CEO of OHSU Health' covers OHSU Health's efforts to integrate with other healthcare systems.

These examples illustrate the broad scope of healthcare integration, from clinical services to organizational structures, and the potential benefits of a more integrated approach to healthcare delivery.

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