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Topic: Healthspan

Healthspan is the number of healthy, disease-free years a person lives.

More on: Healthspan

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of healthspan, which emphasizes the importance of not just increasing lifespan, but extending the number of healthy, disease-free years a person can live.

The episodes explore various strategies, such as diet, lifestyle, supplements, and advanced therapies, that can help reverse the aging process and improve healthspan. They also highlight the distinction between chronological age and biological age, and how the latter can be modified through targeted interventions.

For example, in the episode 6-Step Protocol To Stop Decline, Stay Young & Reverse Aging After 40+, the host discusses a six-step protocol to help reverse the aging process and extend healthspan. In the episode Can we stop aging?, experts examine the evidence behind proposed anti-aging treatments and ways to extend both lifespan and healthspan. The episode This tech CEO plans to de-age himself - and live forever delves into a tech CEO's extreme anti-aging regimen, with a focus on optimizing overall health and extending healthspan.

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