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Topic: Heat wave

A heat wave is an extended period of excessively hot weather that can have significant impacts on public health, infrastructure, and the environment.

More on: Heat wave

The podcast episodes discuss the ongoing heat wave affecting various regions, including the United States, Europe, and parts of the developing world. The heat waves have contributed to wildfires, drought, and public health concerns, particularly for vulnerable populations.

For example, Episode 46585 'Summer's First Heat Wave' extensively covers the extreme heat wave in the U.S., its causes, and the associated risks. Episode 54453 'Hajj: Why over 1,000 Muslim pilgrims have died' examines the deadly toll of extreme heat on Muslim pilgrims during the Hajj in Saudi Arabia.

The episodes also explore how climate change is exacerbating the frequency and intensity of these heat waves, and how communities and governments are struggling to adapt to the evolving environmental challenges.

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