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Topic: Hermeneutics

Hermeneutics is the study of the principles and methods of interpreting texts, especially biblical and other religious texts.

More on: Hermeneutics

The podcast episodes demonstrate various hermeneutical approaches to interpreting texts, especially biblical and literary works.

In the first episode, the hosts explore Barthes' concept of the 'Death of the Author' and how this affects textual interpretation, highlighting the role of the reader in discerning meaning. This relates to the broader field of hermeneutics and the ongoing debate around authorial intent versus reader-response criticism.

The second episode delves into principles and methods for interpreting biblical parables, showcasing the importance of historical and cultural context in hermeneutics. This connects to the topic of Bible Study and Biblical Interpretation.

The third episode re-examines the story of Adam and Eve, demonstrating how a close reading of the text can yield new insights into the nature of sin, knowledge, and human civilization - core concerns in the field of Philosophy of religion.

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