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Topic: Historical Methodology

Historical Methodology is the study of the principles, methods, and approaches used by historians in their research and interpretation of the past.

More on: Historical Methodology

The podcast episodes provided examine historical methodology from two distinct perspectives - one focused on the use of quantitative data and environmental analysis to understand the collapse of China's Ming Dynasty, and the other exploring the approach of the British Marxist historians in studying history 'from the bottom up' and emphasizing the agency of the working class.

The episode 'Timothy Brook, "The Price of Collapse: The Little Ice Age and the Fall of Ming China" (Princeton UP, 2023)' illustrates how historians can leverage modern climatological knowledge and price data to reinterpret historical events, while the episode 'Episode 253 - The British Marxist Historians' showcases the Marxist perspective on studying social change and the role of class struggle in shaping historical narratives.

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