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Topic: Historical narratives

Historical narratives are the stories and perspectives that shape our understanding of the past, often reflecting the biases and power dynamics of those who record and transmit them.

More on: Historical narratives

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of historical narratives, highlighting how they are constructed, challenged, and reimagined.

Several episodes examine the ways in which dominant historical narratives can be used to legitimize contemporary agendas, as seen in discussions of the Green Revolution in Africa "Seeding Empire: American Philanthrocapital and the Roots of the Green Revolution in Africa" and the co-option of Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy "Everyone wants a piece of Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy".

Other episodes delve into the distortion or sensationalization of historical figures and events, such as the examination of the legend of Giulia Tofana in "Giulia Tofana (with Women and Crime)" and the challenging of the sanitized narrative around Rosa Parks in "Rosa Parks with Princess Weekes".

The episodes also highlight efforts to uncover and amplify alternative historical narratives, as seen in the exploration of Thomas Morton's banned book "The Lord Of Misrule" and the discussion of how the MOVE bombing story is being told in "Why & how Matthew Amha chose to tell the story of MOVE: On stage at Hot Docs".

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