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Topic: Historical parallels

Historical parallels provide valuable context for understanding present-day societal and political challenges.

More on: Historical parallels

The podcast episodes discuss a wide range of topics, but they often draw historical parallels to provide context and perspective on the issues being explored.

For example, the episode 'Artificial Intelligence and The Bahnsen Group' compares the current AI boom to the internet boom of the 1990s, using lessons from the past to inform investment strategies. Similarly, the episode 'Meltdown Expected: Crisis, Disorder, & Upheaval at the End of the 1970's' examines the tumultuous 1970s and draws parallels to the present-day, exploring the potential for new economic and political paradigms.

Other episodes, such as 'David Frum: Complete Chaos' and '**UNLOCKED** Star Wars and the Fall of the (American) Republic', analyze the current political landscape and warn of potential authoritarian tendencies, drawing historical comparisons to the rise of fascism and the fall of past republics.

By examining these historical parallels, the podcast episodes aim to provide listeners with a deeper understanding of the complex issues they discuss and the potential implications for the future.

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