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Topic: History of medicine

The history of medicine traces the evolution of medical practices from ancient herbal remedies to modern advancements like vaccines and antibiotics.

More on: History of medicine

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of the history of medicine, from the intertwined development of medicine and magical/mythical healing practices Lore 257: Blasted, to the broader historical arc of medical progress 553: Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 2 | Forbidden Medical Cures.

The episodes also highlight key milestones, such as John Snow's pivotal role in advancing the germ theory and epidemiological methods during the 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak in London The 1854 Broad Street Cholera Outbreak (Encore).

Additionally, the series examines the dark history of medical experimentation on Black Americans 342) Harriet Washington: Confronting medical apartheid and the medical-industrial complex, as well as the history of attitudes and practices surrounding childbirth 122: The Dark History of Childbirth: We've been giving birth ALL WRONG.

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