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Topic: Hollywood business models

Hollywood's shifting business models, from traditional studio practices to the rise of streaming and changing compensation structures, are transforming the industry.

More on: Hollywood business models

The podcast episodes provided offer insights into the changing business models and economic incentives driving the entertainment industry, particularly in Hollywood.

The first episode 'A War Is Coming Over Hollywood Pay' examines the streaming platforms' plans to shift compensation models by paying less upfront but offering bonuses tied to performance metrics, aiming to control costs but potentially facing resistance from talent seeking big upfront fees.

The second episode 'On the Oscars campaign trail' delves into the elaborate and expensive campaigns that Hollywood studios and streaming platforms conduct each year in pursuit of prestigious Oscars, tracing the origins and escalation of these intense campaigning efforts and examining the varying motivations and approaches of different industry players.

The third episode '90s Lolitas Volume 3: Wild Things, Cruel Intentions and Britney Spears (Erotic 90's, Part 19)' examines how late 1990s films depicted sexualized teens, tapping into the phenomenon of Britney Spears, and discusses the economic motivations behind targeting teen and youth audiences, as well as the cultural tensions surrounding the commercialization of sexualized teen imagery.

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