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Topic: Houthis in Yemen

The Houthis, a rebel group in Yemen, are a key player in the complex regional conflicts in the Middle East, challenging the perception that they are simply Iranian proxies.

More on: Houthis in Yemen

The Houthis, an indigenous armed group in Yemen, have emerged as a central force in the ongoing conflicts and tensions in the Middle East. They have developed a close relationship with Iran, becoming part of the so-called 'axis of resistance' that includes other groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, and have taken actions to pressure Israel and the United States over the situation in Gaza.

The podcast episodes discuss the Houthis' role in this regional dynamic, examining their motivations, their military capabilities, and their evolving relationships with other key actors. The episodes provide context on how the Houthis fit into the broader geopolitical landscape of the Middle East, and the potential for their actions to contribute to further escalation and instability in the region.

The episodes link the Houthis' activities to the wider tensions between the United States, Israel, and Iran, as well as the ongoing conflict in Yemen and the humanitarian crisis there. They also highlight the complex dynamics at play, challenging simplistic narratives about the Houthis being mere Iranian proxies.

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