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Topic: Human nature and psychology

Human nature and psychology are fundamental aspects of the human experience that shape our individual and societal behaviors.

More on: Human nature and psychology

The podcast episodes highlight various aspects of human nature and psychology, including the tendency towards hierarchies and societal status-seeking, the appeal of authoritarian leaders, and the psychological factors that enable long-running cons and scams.

For example, the episode Chugging Hot Tub Water discusses the inherent human desire to feel superior and the gatekeeping elitism often seen in hobby communities, while the episode Are We All Authoritarians at Heart? explores how human psychology, such as the tendency to idealize the past and fear the future, can shape political perceptions and behavior.

The episode Episode 554: Yepoka Yeebo examines the human nature aspects of a decades-long con, such as the con artist's magnetic personality and the investors' inability to admit they were duped, and the broader implications for human decision-making and behavior.

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