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Topic: Human needs

Human needs are the fundamental requirements for individual and societal well-being, encompassing access to essential resources, services, and opportunities that enable people to thrive.

More on: Human needs

The podcast episodes explore the concept of human needs from various perspectives, highlighting the importance of addressing both material and non-material needs to foster individual and societal thriving.

Several episodes, such as "Where to Find the Hope You Need - Part 1", "Library Socialism & The Irreducible Minimum", and "How To Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet", discuss the role of basic needs like food, shelter, and community, as well as more abstract needs like purpose, meaning, and spiritual connection.

The episodes also delve into the challenges facing modern societies, such as the tech industry's disconnection from genuine human needs, and propose alternative models like "library socialism" that prioritize universal access to resources and the fulfillment of all people's essential needs.

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