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Topic: Human origins

The origins of modern humans, an intriguing scientific mystery involving the interplay of evolution, ancient civilizations, and the search for our place in the universe.

More on: Human origins

The podcast episodes provided explore different perspectives on the origins and development of modern humans, including theories involving interdimensional entities, ancient advanced civilizations, and the genetic modification of early hominids.

For example, episode Demonic Possession and The Unwelcomed - The Paranormal Podcast 839 discusses a case of alleged demonic possession, challenging conventional understandings of human evolution. Episode 540: Annunaki | Gods from Planet Nibiru and the Makers of Man delves into the Anunnaki and their potential role in the creation of modern humans.

Other episodes, such as #350 - Betül Kaçar: Origin of Life, Ancient DNA, Panspermia, and Aliens and Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? By Billy Carson, offer insights into the scientific and spiritual aspects of human origins and evolution.

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