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Topic: Human rights advocacy

Human rights advocacy involves individuals and organizations working to promote and protect fundamental human rights through various strategies and tactics, including legal action, public campaigning, and grassroots mobilization.

More on: Human rights advocacy

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to human rights advocacy, including efforts to address issues such as police brutality, xenophobia, and human rights violations in conflict zones.

For example, the episode 'Understanding the Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israeli mistreatment of Palestinians (Throwback)' discusses the BDS movement, which is framed by supporters as a human rights effort to address the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.

Other episodes, such as 'Nigeria: Driving police reform through mass protest' and 'Pushing back against xenophobia in South Korea', explore the work of human rights NGOs and activists in supporting grassroots movements, monitoring government actions, and advocating for reforms.

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