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Topic: Human rights concerns

Human rights concerns in military operations and conflicts worldwide remain a critical issue.

More on: Human rights concerns

The podcast episodes discuss human rights concerns in several contexts, including President Nayib Bukele's harsh crackdown on gangs in El Salvador, the Houthi rebels' actions in Yemen, and the operations of the Russian mercenary group Wagner in Africa.

In the episode 'El Salvador's War on MS-13: Nayib Bukele Goes Hard', there is significant discussion of the human rights implications and concerns around Bukele's tactics like arbitrary detentions and allegations of torture. The episode 'Guns, gold and grain: Putin's strategy in West Africa' also highlights human rights concerns surrounding the Wagner group's operations, including allegations of torture, extrajudicial killings, and other abuses.

The episode 'Why are the US and UK attacking the Houthis in Yemen?' mentions the human rights abuses and records of different factions, including the Houthis, as context for the conflict. Additionally, the episode 'The Covid-19 lockdown and the law (Part 2)' explores potential human rights violations arising from the UK's coronavirus regulations, particularly regarding civil liberties like freedom of movement and the right to privacy.

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