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Topic: Human rights due diligence

Human rights due diligence is a process by which businesses identify, address, and report on potential human rights impacts in their operations and supply chains.

More on: Human rights due diligence

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of mandatory human rights due diligence, which requires companies to proactively identify, mitigate, and remedy human rights violations in their operations and supply chains.

The episodes highlight the failures of voluntary compliance and the need for stricter enforcement, citing the revelations of poor working conditions and labor rights violations in the Leicester garment factories that supply major brands like Boohoo. The episodes also explore the potential for new laws and regulations to drive meaningful corporate change around human rights.

For example, Episode 39 examines the findings of an independent review into the Boohoo scandal and the need for mandatory due diligence, while Episode 31 discusses the impact of COVID-19 on businesses' responsibility to protect human rights in their supply chains.

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