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Topic: Human-wildlife conflict

Human-wildlife conflict arises when the needs and behavior of humans and wildlife come into direct competition, often resulting in negative consequences for both parties.

More on: Human-wildlife conflict

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of human-wildlife conflict, from the ongoing battle between a Vermont family and local beavers Beavers Can Help With Climate Change. So How Do We Get Along? to the challenges of balancing conservation efforts with the needs of local communities in Africa Rethinking conservation.

The episodes also highlight the threats posed by human diseases to endangered great apes Audio long read: Chimpanzees are dying from our colds - these scientists are trying to save them and the conflict between wolf conservation and ranching communities Ep. 155: Trial By Fire.

Overall, the podcasts explore the complex and multifaceted nature of human-wildlife conflict, and the need for innovative, community-based solutions to address these challenges.

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