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Topic: Idealism vs. materialism

Idealism and materialism are contrasting philosophical approaches that differ in their views on the nature of reality, the relationship between mind and matter, and the driving forces of historical and social change.

More on: Idealism vs. materialism

The podcast episodes discuss the concept of negation and dialectics, contrasting Hegel's idealist dialectic with the critiques of Engels, Marx, Deleuze, and Mao Zedong. They advocate for embracing both the negation of negation pathway and the pre-negational difference pathway within dialectical materialism as complementary approaches.

The episodes highlight the significance of the critique of Hegel's idealism by Engels, Marx, and others, and the contrasting materialist perspectives. They also explore the relationship between ideas and material conditions, and the importance of treating them as interconnected and mutually influential in shaping historical and social processes.

The discussion of idealism versus materialism is central to the topics covered in these podcast episodes.

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