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Topic: Immigration policy

Immigration policy encompasses the laws, regulations, and practices governing the entry, stay, and removal of non-citizens in a country.

More on: Immigration policy

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics related to immigration policy, including debates over border security, asylum laws, deportation procedures, and the role of immigration in elections.

Several episodes discuss the Biden administration's immigration policies, such as its reversal of Trump-era restrictions on asylum seekers (Biden's executive actions on immigration send mixed signals) and efforts to provide legal status to certain undocumented immigrants (What Biden's Executive Order Means For DREAMers and Undocumented Spouses).

Other episodes analyze the political implications of immigration policy, including its potential impact on voter sentiment (271. Is Biden really losing Hispanic and Black voters?) and the use of the issue as a wedge by both political parties (#1606 Biden's Barriers and Boons to Reelection).

The podcasts also explore broader themes such as the historical roots of U.S. immigration policy (History of US immigration policy), the economic impacts of immigration (Economic impacts of immigration), and the ongoing debate over comprehensive immigration reform (Comprehensive immigration reform).

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