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Topic: Imperialism

Imperialism is the policy or practice of extending a nation's power and influence through military force, economic means, or other forms of domination over other nations or territories.

More on: Imperialism

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of imperialism, including its historical manifestations, the impacts on indigenous populations, the role of military power and economic interests, and the legacy of imperialist policies.

Several episodes explore how imperialism has shaped global conflicts and power dynamics, such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine Episode 401 on the Russia-Ukraine War, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Understanding Settler Colonialism in Israel and the United States, and the United States' interventions during the Cold War The Jakarta Method.

Other episodes examine how imperialist mindsets and colonial exploitation have affected specific regions and populations, as seen in How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise and The Murder of Franz Ferdinand: The Killer (Part 1).

The episodes also discuss how resistance to imperialism, through movements for decolonization, indigenous rights, and socialist revolution, have challenged the global hegemony of empires and their successor states.

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