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Topic: Incentives

Incentives are the motivations, rewards, and structures that shape human behavior and drive outcomes in a variety of contexts.

More on: Incentives

The podcast episodes demonstrate how incentives play a crucial role in diverse areas such as real estate investing, finance, technology, and organizational management.

For example, in the episode 978: How to Build Your Real Estate Investing Team (Agents, Contractors, Lenders), the importance of aligning incentives with team members is highlighted as a key strategy for successful real estate investing.

Similarly, the episode US Banking Crisis: The Truth Behind The Disaster & How It Will Get Worse... | Robert Breedlove (Replay) delves into how the incentives inherent in the fractional reserve banking system and central banking have contributed to economic crises, advocating for the adoption of Bitcoin as an alternative with better-aligned incentives.

The topic of incentives is further explored in episodes covering decentralized AI solutions, venture capital decision-making, organizational values and behavior, and the use of incentives to drive habit formation and personal development.

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