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Topic: Incident response

Incident response is the process of detecting, analyzing, and responding to unexpected cybersecurity events or incidents to minimize the impact and restore normal operations.

More on: Incident response

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of incident response, including how organizations can proactively prepare for and effectively respond to cybersecurity incidents.

For example, the episode 'EPISODE 199- Phish and Chips: Cisco's Director of Strategic Engagements Wendy Nather on AI's Role in the Future of Cyber Scams' discusses the importance of incorporating threat intelligence into security strategies, while '321: Unexpected Downtime: Stress as Enhancement vs. Stress as Panic' serves as a case study in the methodical approach to identifying and resolving a SaaS product downtime issue.

The episode '135: The D.R. Incident' delves into the incident response process undertaken by a CSIRT team in the Dominican Republic, highlighting their efforts to detect, analyze, and remediate a major cyber attack, as well as their collaboration with other agencies and security vendors.

Finally, the episode 'Decoding Cybersecurity: Jay Kaplan on How to Protect Your Business from Cyberattacks' emphasizes the importance of having robust incident response plans in place for businesses to effectively handle potential breaches or cyber incidents.

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