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Topic: Indian History

India's history is marked by periods of Islamic rule, British colonialism, and the Indian independence movement, which have all influenced the Hindu nationalist narrative.

More on: Indian History

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of India's history, including the country's independence movement, the impact of British colonialism, and the rise of Hindu nationalism under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The episode 'The Great Political Fictions: Midnight's Children' delves into how Salman Rushdie's novel 'Midnight's Children' uses magical realism to represent the fractured and ever-changing identity of India's democracy, drawing parallels to the contemporary reality under Modi's rule.

The episode 'Modi's India Episode 2: Development Man' explores how Modi has leveraged economic development, infrastructure promises, and Hindu nationalism to appeal to voters' aspirations for progress and national pride, while also raising concerns about the implications for religious minorities.

The episode 'India Is Transforming. But Into What?' examines the concerning erosion of democratic norms and pluralism in India under Modi's Hindu nationalist government, analyzing the marginalization of religious minorities and the broader societal shift towards a majoritarian ethno-nationalist ideology.

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