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Topic: Indigenous Spirituality

Indigenous spirituality encompasses the diverse belief systems and practices of indigenous peoples, reflecting their deep connection to the land, ancestors, and the natural world.

More on: Indigenous Spirituality

The podcast episodes provided explore various aspects of indigenous spirituality, including the spiritual beliefs and practices of communities in Papua New Guinea, the Chickasaw Nation, and the Lenca people of Honduras.

In Episode 223 of Blurry Creatures, the host Jonesy delves into the spiritual fabric of Papua New Guinea, witnessing ancient traditions and the supernatural intertwining with everyday life as he brings the gospel to a remote area.

The Medicine People episode of Spooked centers on Amelia's experience with traditional Chickasaw spiritual practices and the role of a medicine woman in her family.

The Front Line Defender episode on Berta Cáceres discusses the Lenca people's spiritual connection to the land, which motivated Cáceres' activism to protect their sacred sites from development.

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