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Topic: Indigenous wisdom

Indigenous wisdom encompasses the holistic worldviews, spiritual practices, and traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples worldwide.

More on: Indigenous wisdom

The podcast episodes explore how indigenous wisdom traditions offer profound insights and alternatives to dominant Western worldviews, particularly regarding humanity's relationship with the natural world, the nature of consciousness, and the role of spirituality in everyday life.

For example, the episode 'The Sacred Cosmology & Forgotten Wisdom Of The Lakota' delves into the Lakota's ancient teachings on the origins of the universe and their practical relevance today. Similarly, 'The Power of Indigenous Storytelling' highlights how Coast Salish indigenous knowledge and perspectives are woven into the children's book 'The Whale Child'.

Other episodes, such as 'Allowing Earth to dream through us' and 'Your Consciousness Comes From the Moon', explore how indigenous cosmologies and ways of being can guide us towards a more harmonious and regenerative relationship with our planet.

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