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Topic: Industry evolution

Industry evolution is the continuous process of adapting and transforming business models and strategies to keep pace with changing market dynamics and technological advancements.

More on: Industry evolution

The podcast episodes provided explore the topic of industry evolution from various perspectives, highlighting how businesses and industries must continuously adapt to stay relevant and competitive.

For example, the episode CLIP: Founding GameStop, First In The World discusses how the founders of GameStop recognized the need for their business to fundamentally adapt as the video game retail industry underwent major shifts.

Similarly, the episode 20VC: Why 75% of Active Investors Will Disappear in the Next Few Years, The Death of "So So" Venture Firms is Coming, The Rise of Blackstone of Venture Firms and What That Does To Venture Returns, How the World of LPs is Broken and more with Kyle Harrison explores the evolving dynamics of the venture capital industry, including the potential rise of 'Blackstone of Venture' firms and the impending demise of undifferentiated 'so-so' venture firms.

The episode Kunal Tandon -- El Cap also touches on the need for venture capital firms to continually evolve their models and approaches to stay relevant in a rapidly changing industry.

Finally, the episode Designing Sustainable Game Economies and Scaling Blockchain Games | Roundup ft. Robbie Ferguson discusses the evolving dynamics of the crypto industry, shifting user bases, and changing metrics as gaming gains traction in the web3 space.

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