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Topic: Injustice

Injustice refers to the violation of rights, unfair treatment, and unjust actions that harm individuals or society.

More on: Injustice

The podcast episodes explore various facets of injustice, from the historical persecution of supposed witches Legends 27: Scapegoats to the unjust treatment of individuals by the legal system, as seen in Ep. 548: BONUS DROP - Steve Talks with Two American Hunters Facing Prison in Turks and Caicos and Polk Award Winners: Meribah Knight.

The episodes also delve into the psychological and emotional impact of injustice, as well as the importance of challenging and confronting systemic issues, as discussed in Either Way, This Is Not The Answer | Ask DS.

Additionally, the podcasts examine historical cases of betrayal and perceived injustice, such as the stories of Mata Hari and Iva Toguri in Selects: History's Greatest Traitors, and the ongoing pursuit of justice in the case of a toddler accused of murder in Introducing: Burden of Guilt - Trailer.

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