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Topic: Injustice and inequality

Injustice and inequality are systemic issues that underlie many of the challenges facing society, from civil rights and police reform to gun violence and political divisiveness.

More on: Injustice and inequality

The podcast episodes provided touch on various aspects of injustice and inequality, including the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza, racial injustice and discrimination, and the need for systemic reforms to address the root causes of violence and oppression.

In Essential reporting on campus protests, by student journalists, the episode discusses the broader themes of injustice and inequality, particularly in relation to the situation of Palestinians and the need for societal change, as expressed by Pulitzer Prize winner Nathan Thrall.

Similarly, Gun Violence - Thoughts, Prayers, Action & Reform analyzes recent tragic mass shootings through discussions with activists and those personally impacted, condemning racism, hateful rhetoric, and lax gun laws as contributors, while advocating for systemic reforms to prevent further violence and the injustices that enable it.

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