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Topic: Inner critic

The inner critic is the negative, self-doubting voice inside that undermines our self-worth and can hinder our personal growth.

More on: Inner critic

The inner critic is a common topic explored across the podcast episodes, as it can have a significant impact on an individual's mental health, self-worth, and ability to achieve their goals.

Several episodes, such as Wisdom for Work #22 - Owning Your Strengths, How To Change Your Self Talk, and 7 Steps on How to Silence Your INNER CRITIC Especially When it Gets TOO LOUD and Becomes Overwhelming, delve deep into the concept of the inner critic, its detrimental effects, and strategies for reframing and silencing this negative internal voice.

Other episodes, like The psychology of 'mommy issues' and mother wounds and Gracie Gold | Olympic Figure Skater, explore how the inner critic can be shaped by our early relationships and experiences, particularly with our parents, and how it can manifest in various areas of our lives, such as mental health, body image, and professional pursuits.

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