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Topic: Institutional failure

Institutional failure occurs when powerful organizations, such as universities or government agencies, neglect to address misconduct and abuse, enabling harm to continue unchecked.

More on: Institutional failure

The podcast episodes provided highlight numerous examples of institutional failure, where institutions like universities, the criminal justice system, and the military have failed to properly address and respond to reports of sexual abuse and assault, enabling predators to continue their abusive behavior for years.

For example, in the case of Dr. Robert Hadden at Columbia University, the university ignored reports of his misconduct for decades, allowing him to sexually assault hundreds of patients. Similarly, the South Korean military failed to properly investigate and prosecute a sexual assault case, leading to the victim's tragic suicide. These episodes illustrate how institutional failures can have devastating consequences for survivors and enable ongoing abuse.

Across the episodes, a common theme is the complicity and lack of accountability within these powerful institutions, which often prioritize their own reputations and interests over the safety and wellbeing of victims. The podcasts highlight the urgent need for systemic change to address these failures and empower survivors to seek justice.

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