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Topic: Institutional racism

Institutional racism refers to the systemic policies, practices, and attitudes within institutions that disadvantage or discriminate against certain racial groups, often in subtle or unintentional ways.

More on: Institutional racism

The podcast episodes provided illustrate various manifestations of institutional racism, ranging from racism in the sports and criminal justice systems to racial inequities in tax policies and medical education.

For example, the episode 'Another Take: Will Spanish football tackle its racism problem?' examines the prevalence of racism in Spanish football and the dismissal of racial incidents by authorities, while 'The Brixton Riots' discusses the role of institutional racism within the British police force in fueling tensions and unrest.

Other episodes, such as 'WTF does race have to do with taxes?' and 'Racism in Medical Schools', delve into how racism is embedded within the tax system and medical institutions, respectively, disadvantaging and discriminating against marginalized racial groups.

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