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Topic: Institutions

Institutions are the formal and informal structures, rules, and norms that shape and govern society, often playing a crucial role in shaping public perception and influencing social, political, and economic outcomes.

More on: Institutions

The podcast episodes provided discuss the various roles and impacts of institutions in shaping public discourse, democratic norms, and individual perceptions.

Several episodes explore how institutions like the media, government, academia, and social organizations have either upheld or undermined their core values and principles, leading to a growing distrust in these institutions. For example, the episode "Martin Wolf and Anne Applebaum on democracy's year of peril" examines the role of independent institutions in maintaining democratic norms, while the episode "Ted Cruz's Plan to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America" critiques how major institutions have been influenced by ideological agendas.

Other episodes, such as "The History of Freedom w/ Lea Ypi: Machiavelli and Political Liberty" and "America's Rotting Civic Infrastructure", discuss the importance of institutions in preserving political freedom and fostering a healthy civic culture. Overall, the episodes highlight the pivotal yet complex role of institutions in modern society.

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