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Topic: Intention Setting

Intention Setting is the practice of consciously defining and aligning one's goals, values, and desires to guide personal growth and manifestation.

More on: Intention Setting

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of Intention Setting, including its neuroscientific underpinnings, practical techniques for manifesting goals, and the role of intention-setting in navigating life's challenges and cultivating personal growth.

For example, the episode 'Neil Gaiman and Debbie Millman' discusses specific exercises like Neil Gaiman's 'Groundhog Day' writing routine and Debbie Millman's '10-Year Plan for a Remarkable Life' as tools for manifesting intentions. The episode 'Neuroscientist Explains How To Rewire The Brain To Manifest Your Goals And Desires With Dr. James Doty' also explores the neuroscientific principles behind intention-setting and provides a 6-step process to embed intentions and activate cognitive networks for meaningful life changes.

The practice of intention-setting is also highlighted in episodes that focus on stress management, mindfulness, and personal development, such as 'How To Handle Literally Anything | Sebene Selassie and Jeff Warren' and the guided meditations 'Burnout Relief Meditation ~ Reverse Feelings of Stress, Exhaustion and Overload' and 'Morning Meditation to Clear Your Mind for a Fresh Start'.

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