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Topic: Intentions

Intentions are the driving force behind our actions, shaping our experiences and relationships.

More on: Intentions

The topic of 'Intentions' is central to the podcast episodes provided, as they explore how being intentional and mindful can transform various aspects of life, from casual sex to professional self-promotion.

In the episode 'Best Of: Conscious, Casual Sex', the importance of setting clear intentions and expectations is highlighted as crucial for navigating casual sexual encounters in a fulfilling and empowering way. The episode discusses the different types of casual sex and how to determine if it's the right choice for an individual.

The episode 'Girls That Startup: How to Get Good at Selling Yourself' delves into the nuances of self-promotion, emphasizing the need to align one's intentions with personal and cultural values, rather than solely seeking applause or accolades.

Finally, the episode 'Adorned: Perfumer Mauricio Garcia' explores how the use of fragrance can facilitate a connection with the spiritual world and one's ancestors, demonstrating the role of intentions in cultivating meaningful rituals and experiences.

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