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Topic: Interdimensional theories

Interdimensional theories propose the existence of parallel universes or realms beyond our physical plane, which could explain various paranormal and unexplained phenomena.

More on: Interdimensional theories

The topic of interdimensional theories is explored across multiple podcast episodes, where it is presented as a possible explanation for various paranormal and unexplained events.

In the Phoenix Lights Pt. 2 episode, the theory that the infamous Phoenix Lights incident could have been manifestations of interdimensional beings is briefly mentioned, suggesting a fringe explanation for the unresolved mystery.

Similarly, in the Expedition Bigfoot With Russell Acord episode, the hosts delve into interdimensional theories as a potential explanation for the nature and behavior of cryptids like Bigfoot.

The Encountering The Squatchella episode also explores theories about interdimensional phenomena, parallel realities, and portals, highlighting their significance within the broader paranormal realm.

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