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Topic: Intergenerational responsibility

Intergenerational responsibility is the duty of each generation to ensure a better future for the next, through social, economic, and environmental stewardship.

More on: Intergenerational responsibility

The topic of intergenerational responsibility is explored across several podcast episodes, which discuss the ethical and practical implications of our actions on future generations.

For example, episode 310 - Big Mad about Big Oil's Big Apocalypse (w/ Hazel Thayer) examines the oil and gas industry's decades-long knowledge of climate change and their efforts to cover it up, highlighting their responsibility to address the crisis for the sake of future generations.

Other episodes, such as EVERGREEN | Vanessa Andreotti: Allowing the earth to dream through us and Christiana Figueres - Ecological Hope, and Spiritual Evolution, emphasize the importance of embodying different ways of being and cultivating a connection to nature to inspire ethical and sustainable choices that benefit future generations.

The concept of intergenerational responsibility is also explored in episodes that discuss the economic challenges faced by younger generations, such as Who screwed millennials: a generation left behind - Full Story podcast, which examines the responsibility of older generations to address systemic issues and create more optimistic futures for young people.

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