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Topic: Internalized misogyny

Internalized misogyny is the internalization of negative attitudes and beliefs about women, which can lead to self-deprecation and the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes.

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The podcast episodes highlight how internalized misogyny can manifest in the form of excessive criticism, body policing, and double standards towards female influencers, celebrities, and artists, particularly in male-dominated industries like hip-hop.

The episodes explore how the male gaze and societal pressures can lead women to participate in the shaming and objectification of other women, perpetuating a cycle of internalized misogyny.

Examples of this can be seen in the Body Checking Accountants episode, where the hosts discuss the double standards faced by female celebrities, and the Women in hip-hop push back against the male gaze episode, which features interviews with rappers about their experiences with body policing and the internalization of unrealistic beauty standards.

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