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Topic: Internet and Social Media

The internet and social media have profoundly impacted how individuals and societies communicate, access information, and shape culture, with both positive and negative consequences.

More on: Internet and Social Media

The podcast episodes explore various ways in which the internet and social media have impacted diverse aspects of society, from influencing consumer trends and cultural fascinations to amplifying political divisions and the spread of misinformation.

Several episodes, such as Stuffed Animals Gone Wild, Platforms of Freedom, and Panic! In America, delve into how the internet and social media have exposed people to previously obscure topics, fueled the popularity of novelty items, and contributed to the rise of moral panics and conspiracy theories.

Other episodes, like A Bridgerton Too Far and Matteo Lane Snapped at Me, highlight how the internet and social media have aided in the careers of artists and entertainers, while also potentially influencing the industry's dynamics and fan engagement.

The topic of internet and social media is also closely tied to discussions around parenting, democracy, and human flourishing, as explored in episodes such as parents aren't perfect, a talk with dr. aliza pressman and UNLOCKED - 237 - Platforms of Freedom.

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