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Topic: Interoception

Interoception is the awareness of sensations and signals from inside the body, which is crucial for emotional and physiological regulation.

More on: Interoception

The podcast episodes explore the concept of interoception, or the body's ability to sense and communicate its internal states, and how it relates to various aspects of mental health, emotional regulation, and overall wellbeing.

For example, in the episode Healing After Trauma with Dr. Peter Levine, the importance of interoception and being present with bodily sensations is emphasized as a key component of trauma healing. Similarly, the episode 258: Alexithymia: The Science of Emotional Blindness discusses how difficulties with interoception can contribute to challenges in recognizing and describing one's own emotions, a condition known as alexithymia.

The podcast episodes also explore how developing interoceptive awareness can be beneficial for regulating emotions, as seen in the episode Somatic Tools for Self-Regulation with Elizabeth Ferreira, and for changing unhealthy eating patterns, as discussed in the episode Emotional Eating and Changing Your Relationship with Food with Dr. Jud Brewer.

The broader concept of the brain-body connection and the role of interoception in overall health and cognitive function is further explored in the episode How to Optimize Your Brain-Body Function & Health.

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