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Topic: Iranian presidential election

The 2024 Iranian presidential election saw low voter turnout and a tightly controlled list of candidates, with the potential for change under the reformist candidate Masood Pezeshkian.

More on: Iranian presidential election

The podcast episodes provide extensive coverage and analysis of the recent Iranian presidential election, which resulted in the victory of reformist candidate Masoud Pezeshkian over hardliner Saeed Jalili.

The episodes discuss the reasons behind the low voter turnout, the backgrounds and platforms of the candidates, as well as the potential implications of the election results on Iran's foreign policy and relations with the West, particularly regarding the nuclear deal. Episode 68456 from the 'Global News Podcast' delves into the election and its broader context, while Episode 65088 from 'The Take' focuses specifically on analyzing the low voter turnout and its significance.

The episodes also touch on how the Biden administration's decision to allow Iran to set up absentee voting stations in the US for its presidential election was viewed, as discussed in Episode 50211 of 'The President's Daily Brief'.

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