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Topic: Israeli hostages

Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza have become a significant concern, with their families enduring anguish as negotiations for their release have stalled.

More on: Israeli hostages

The issue of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza is a recurring topic in the selected podcast episodes, which highlight the anguish and uncertainty experienced by the families of those being held.

In One War, Two Stories of Pain & Frustration, a significant portion of the episode is dedicated to the plight of Israeli hostages and the efforts to negotiate their release. Similarly, in The View from Israel, the interviewee, Tamar Harel-Santis, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing the release of Israeli hostages in any potential resolution with Hamas.

The topic of Israeli hostages is closely tied to the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with the protesters in The Israeli protesters trying to stop food aid getting to Gaza citing the holding of Israeli hostages as a justification for blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza.

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