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Topic: Job loss

Job loss can have significant financial and emotional impact, requiring careful planning and strategizing to navigate the transition.

More on: Job loss

The podcast episodes provided discuss the topic of job loss and its impact on individuals and families.

In the episode "How to Plan Your Money If You're About to Lose Your Job", the host offers strategies to financially prepare for potential job loss, such as building an emergency fund and managing debt.

The episode "I Just Got Laid Off! What Now?" also focuses on navigating the challenges of job loss, including cutting expenses and reevaluating career goals.

Similarly, the episode "My Family Needs Help... Desperately." discusses the dire consequences of job loss, leading to the risk of homelessness for the speaker's sister and her family.

The episode "PREVIEW: #KEYSTONE STATE: Conversation with colleague Salena Zito, Washington Examiner and WSJ, re the EPA Ivy League response team presentation to the Indiana County working class out of work because of EPA closing down energy plants. More later." highlights the disconnect between policymakers and the local communities affected by job losses due to the closure of energy plants.

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