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Topic: Journalism and press freedom

Journalism and press freedom play a crucial role in reporting on and holding accountable those in power, as demonstrated in the coverage of political developments and human rights issues around the world.

More on: Journalism and press freedom

The podcast episodes provided highlight the importance of journalism and press freedom in covering various global issues, from authoritarian crackdowns on dissent to conflicts and crises that impact the lives of people around the world.

Several episodes, such as Democracy Now! 2024-06-14 Friday, G7 agrees to loan Ukraine $50 billion based on frozen Russian funds, and "The world's coolest dictator", discuss the challenges faced by journalists in reporting on sensitive topics, the repercussions they may face, and the vital role they play in exposing the truth and holding those in power accountable.

The episodes also shed light on the broader implications of restricted press freedom, such as the chilling effect on civil liberties and the ability of citizens to participate in the democratic process, as seen in the What happened to Hong Kong's pro-democracy protesters? episode.

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