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Topic: Judicial accountability

Judicial accountability encompasses mechanisms to ensure transparency, impartiality, and factual accuracy in the Supreme Court and judiciary.

More on: Judicial accountability

The podcast episodes discuss various concerns about the lack of robust accountability mechanisms for the U.S. Supreme Court, including justices making factual errors or misrepresentations in their rulings, potential conflicts of interest and ethical violations, and a perceived partisan lean in their decisions.

For example, the episode 'Opinionpalooza: SCOTUS Says Yes to Bump Stocks, No to Gun Safety Regulation' criticizes the Court's recent ruling on bump stocks as catering to the gun industry's interests, while 'Fact Checking the Supreme Court' raises questions about the Court's reliance on potentially inaccurate historical facts. The episode 'Opinionpalooza: The Court of King Alito' highlights Justice Alito's disregard for established facts and records in his opinions.

These episodes underscore the need for greater accountability, transparency, and error-correction mechanisms to ensure the Supreme Court's decisions are grounded in sound legal reasoning and factual accuracy.

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