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Topic: Judicial Impartiality

Judicial impartiality is the principle that judges must remain neutral and avoid any appearance of bias or prejudice in their decision-making.

More on: Judicial Impartiality

The topic of judicial impartiality is prominently featured across several of the podcast episodes provided, as the panelists and experts discuss concerns about the potential for bias or the appearance of impropriety among judges handling high-profile cases involving polarizing figures like former President Donald Trump.

The episodes highlight how issues such as a judge's personal political leanings, financial interests, or close relationships with key players in a case can undermine public trust in the fairness and integrity of the judicial process. Specific examples include discussions of the conduct and potential conflicts of interest of judges like Samuel Alito, Juan Merchan, and Eileen Cannon.

These episodes delve into the complex challenges judges face in upholding the principles of judicial impartiality, especially when dealing with politically-charged matters that can have significant implications for American democracy and the rule of law.

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