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Topic: Karl Marx

Karl Marx was a 19th century philosopher, economist, and revolutionary who is considered the father of modern socialism and communism.

More on: Karl Marx

The podcast episodes provided focus extensively on Karl Marx's life, work, and ideas, exploring his influential writings and their continued relevance.

The episodes cover a range of topics related to Marx, including his analysis of capitalism and theories of surplus value ('Greece defies European trend, adopts six-day work week'), his personal life and intellectual development ('The Last Years of Karl Marx'), and in-depth discussions of his seminal text 'The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte' ('The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte' by Karl Marx).

The episodes also delve into how Marx's ideas, such as his famous quote 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs', continue to shape contemporary political and economic discourse ('Red Hot Shot: From Each According to Their Ability, To Each According to Their Needs').

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