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Topic: Knowledge Systems

Knowledge Systems encompass the diverse ways of understanding, interpreting, and engaging with the world, often reflecting distinct cultural, historical, and environmental contexts.

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The podcast episodes explore how dominant Western knowledge systems have often marginalized and erased alternative ways of knowing, particularly those of Indigenous communities.

The episodes highlight the need to recognize and honor diverse cosmologies, relationalities, and epistemologies in order to address systemic injustices and work towards more balanced and regenerative ways of living with the more-than-human world.

For example, episode Juanita Sundberg: Challenging "human exceptionalism" and institutions of change examines how our institutions and knowledge systems shape our relationships with the living world, while episode Melissa K. Nelson: Living in storied and moral landscapes emphasizes the importance of 'knowledge symbiosis' and re-claiming concepts like 'sustainability' to be more dynamic and inclusive.

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