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Topic: Labor shortages

Labor shortages are a significant economic challenge facing various industries and sectors, as companies struggle to find qualified workers to fill open positions.

More on: Labor shortages

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of labor shortages, including their potential impacts, underlying causes, and potential solutions.

For example, one episode 'The Coming Labor Shortage Is Not Good News' analyzes the narrative that labor shortages benefit workers and challenges this perspective, exploring the potential negative impacts of labor shortages caused by an aging population.

Another episode 'Ghost jobs' discusses the rise of 'ghost jobs', where companies post continual job listings but rarely hire, highlighting how this phenomenon ties to labor shortages in certain sectors.

The episodes also examine how labor shortages are impacting specific industries, such as the underwater cable repair industry 'A vital, mostly invisible undersea industry is facing a labor shortage' and the hospitality sector in Florida 'How DeSantis' immigration laws may be backfiring'.

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