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Topic: Lack of accountability

The lack of accountability and oversight that allowed alleged abuses to continue unchecked for years highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in institutions and positions of power.

More on: Lack of accountability

The podcast episodes highlight various examples of a lack of accountability, where perpetrators of wrongdoing or abuses of power face little to no consequences for their actions.

From the cover-up of an affair and murder in "The Killer In The Attic", to the alleged systemic sexual abuse and forced abortions within a Nigerian church detailed in "Inside TB Joshua's church of horrors", to the lack of accountability for police officers accused of misconduct in #320: Twin Police officers accused of "inappropriate relationship" with 15-yr-old girl, later found dead while pregnant, these episodes demonstrate how a lack of meaningful consequences and oversight allows harmful behavior to continue unchecked.

The episodes also explore how a lack of accountability can manifest in broader societal issues, such as the failure to address gender-based violence and misogyny in #282: He Spin Kicked A Woman Nearly Killing Her - All Because She Gave Him A "Dirty Look", or the lack of consequences for powerful crypto shills promoting dubious financial products in Episode 258 - The Crypto Shill Brigade.

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