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Topic: Land rights

Land rights refer to the legal and customary rights of individuals or groups to access, use, control, and manage land and its resources.

More on: Land rights

The podcast episodes cover various aspects of land rights, including the struggle for indigenous communities to maintain control over their ancestral lands, conflicts over land ownership and use, and the role of land rights in environmental and social justice movements.

For example, the episode "Inside the Far-Right Israeli Push to Resettle Gaza" discusses the controversial Israeli plan to establish Jewish settlements in the occupied Gaza Strip, which would displace Palestinians and is seen by some as a form of ethnic cleansing. The episode "David E. Gilbert, 'Countering Dispossession, Reclaiming Land: A Social Movement Ethnography'" explores the story of an Indonesian community's successful struggle to reclaim land that had been taken from them.

Other episodes touch on related themes, such as the divergent ability of Native American tribes to maintain ownership of their reservation lands, the fight of rural communities in South Africa to resist imposed development, and the ecological and spiritual dimensions of land rights in the context of the Colombian civil war.

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